Marvel Release Dates Schedule Announced Until 2019: 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' 'Ant Man' 'Captain America 3' Release Date Confirmed, Seven Slots Still Unfilled [PHOTO]

Marvel is preparing to continue its onslaught of film releases as it has just announced five new release dates for future films taking the Marvel Cinematic Universe up until May 2019. Of course, we already know they have plans for through 2028, but one step at a time.

As people continue to wonder if Marvel will eventually shift the May 6, 2016 release dates of Captain America 3 now that Warner Bros. has set Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice for the same date, it's quite clear Marvel isn't interested in deviating from the "plan". The same could be said for why they decided Edgar Wright wasn't right for Ant-Man and sent him packing. As for that May 2016 release date, Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige says, they aren't moving

"We are doing what we've always done," Feige told Empire, "which is sticking to our plan and sticking to our vision for the movies going forward and we have a very large vision that we're working on for Cap 3 and for all the threes movies and just because another movie plops down onto one of ours doesn't mean we are going to alter that. Maybe we should, but we're not going to."

Taking that into consideration, studios may as well look at the following release dates plans and just cross these dates off their list, and quite likely the weekends after.

August 1, 2014: Guardians of the Galaxy

May 1, 2015: Avengers: Age of Ultron

July 17, 2015: Ant-Man

May 6, 2016: Captain America 3

July 8, 2016: TBD [presumably Doctor Strange]

May 5, 2017: TBD

July 28, 2017: TBD

November 3, 2017: TBD

July 6, 2018: TBD

November 2, 2018: TBD

May 3, 2019: TBD

There is bound to be a lot of speculation with the TBD slots. Could May 3, 2019 be "The Avengers 3" release date? The previous two films have both premiered in May, so it wouldn't be surprising to find out that the third "Avengers"film would land in May of 2019. Look for "Doctor Strange" to take up one of those slots, which has been a favorite of Marvel's for quite a while.

We know that Captain America 3 is scheduled for May 6, 2016, so that won't take up one of the five slots. The only two we know of would be "Thor 3" and "Avengers 3."

That leaves three titles that we aren't so sure about. "Doctor Strange" could take up one slot, while "Black Panther"could possibly grab another. What if a Hulk solo film was announced for one of the later slots? That would certainly cause pandemonium at Comic-Con.

The most notable thing here is 2017, a year in which Marvel will deviate from their two films a year and go for three, one of which I can only assume will be "Avengers 3," which has to be the major culmination of Phase 3... don'tcha think? Something in which the "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Avengers" come together to defeat a big bad villain?

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