Team USA's Coach K Approves Of Kevin Love Cleveland Trade! Legendary Mentor Will Have 'Not One Second Of Hesitancy' To Swap Andrew Wiggins For All-NBA Forward!

Team USA Basketball's coach, the legend of Duke University Coach Mike Kryzyzewski (Coach K) was asked the burning question in all of basketball: Would you trade Andrew Wiggins for Kevin Love?

CBS Sports had the interview and without batting an eyelash, Coach K says:

"There's absolutely not one second of hesitancy. I'd trade for Kevin Love. That's not saying anything bad about any of the other youngsters. Love's an All-Star and he's a double-double guy. But he's a double-double guy who can spread the court. There aren't many double-double guys who can spread the floor; he can go inside and outside. There may be a low post player that gets you a double double, but Love, you can do a lot of different things with him."

Love is expected to be one of the major anchors of Team USA's campaign to keep the FIBA World Championship, also known as the World Cup of Basketball. Andrew Wiggins is from Canada.

Coach K also recruited Wiggins to Duke, but the young prodigy chose Kansas because Duke already had Jabari Parker.  In contrast, Coach K has already spent two summers with Love:

"I've coached him on two teams, and no pun intended, I love Kevin Love. You look at LeBron, and you have the best player in the world. He's 29, I'm not saying he's at the end of his career, but he's in the second-half of his career. And in the first half of his career he was becoming a great player. It took time, just like with Andrew Wiggins, it takes time. LeBron is a great player right now, you do not want to waste any year of a great player's career. Love is close to being that. He's not as great a player as LeBron, but he's there. You know who Love is right now."

The Duke mentor has always maintained a tradition of winning and it's not an accident. He really means to build a winning atmosphere. Playing with the greatest will influence you to improve:

"They're always developing, but he's a consistent outstanding player. And to put that with LeBron and a great player with Kyrie (Irving) who will get there quicker with LeBron around and with Love around he'll get there even quicker, because you're influenced by your environment; we all are."

So who else is not sold on Wiggins for Love? People who like to take risks, and Coach K is not one of them.

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Kevin Love Cleveland Trade
Team USA
Coach K
