Watch Tina Fey And Rachel Dratch In Second City Two-Woman Show [VIDEO]: Before SNL Fame, Riffs On Theater For Social Change And “Cunt Poems”

Tina Fey and Rachel Dratch’s Second City two-woman show is now in all of its 47 minutes of glory on Youtube. Say goodbye to your evening plans. You don’t need anything if you have Tina Fey and Rachel Dratch circa 1999 entertaining you right from your own computer screen. Especially if they are performing something called “Cunt Poems”.

Watch Tina Fey and Rachel Dratch’s Second City show here:

Whoever this Youtube angel is, we thank you. This is uncut, uncensored version of Tina Fey and Rachel Dratch before SNL fame got the best of them. Just kidding, they are still great. But this is the unrefined kind of funny that someone who has only seen ‘30 Rock’ or ‘SNL’ has definitely missed out on.

So what is the concept behind this particular ‘Dratch & Fey’ show? Rachel, in the very top of the show, describes that she and Tina Fey has decided to put on their one-woman shows on stage at the same time. Her show is about Edwina Garth Burnham, a fictional feminist figure dating back to Abraham Lincoln times. Fey’s show, satirizing a modern woman’s exploration of her sexuality, is titled, “Cunt Poems”.

There is a priceless moment in the Youtube video where Tina Fey lists off all the different names for breasts. It’s quite something.

According to Time Magazine, ‘Dratch & Fey’ ran for oh-so-short one year at Second City and New York’s UCB between 1999 and 2000. Rachel and Tina were on the brink of breaking big with the former just joining the cast and the later becoming the head writer of SNL.

Transport yourself back to 1999 by watching a hilarious episode of ‘Dratch & Fey’ show. Let me know in the comments below if your parents were in the audience!

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Tina Fey
Rachel Dratch
Second City
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