‘Avengers Age Of Ultron’ Rumors: Vision Created By Tony Stark Dad, Howard? Paul Bettany Admits Android Has 'Paternal' Feelings For A Number Of People Including Iron Man!

The Vision being played by Paul Bettany, who also played JARVIS, Iron Man's virtual butler and confidante, gives a clue on an important theme in "Avengers: Age of Ultron." Stark becomes a world figure and his creations show how genius can shape the world.

And it's not just Tony's genius, but his father's genius coming into play. First off, Paul Bettany shares some very intriguing details on his character with Cinema Blend:

"Have you ever been hung in the air by your genitals? I have. It's great." That's not exactly the detail we were looking for, but thanks for sharing.

Will JARVIS not be connected with Vision?

"For a long while, I discovered that... in the Marvel rule book, I wasn't allowed to then play another character. Joss Whedon and I got along very well, though, and he looked for a way to make that happen. So I'm very happy." Based on his answer, it's not just that they're connected, JARVIS is Vision.

CB continues: "When asked what his relationship with Tony Stark is in the sequel, Bettany admitted, 'Vision feels paternal to a number of people.'" It's affirmative but he tries to veer us awat from the conclusion.

For the uninitiated, the basics on Visions powers: "He has the ability to change his density and that is ... that's awesome and exploited brilliantly by Joss in some cool moments when Vision is able to do something that is otherworldly. And he's discovering all as he goes along."

What does that have to do with Howard Stark, Tony's dad?

Comic Book Movie has this theory:

"In Captain America: The First Avenger, there was an Easter egg featuring a glimpse at the body of the android, Jim Hammond, the Human Torch, at a Howard Stark expo, alluding to Howard Stark creating the Human Torch. In the comics, Vision is created from the Human Torch's body." Not to be confused with the Human Torch in Fantastic Four, who was coincidentally played by Chris Evans before.

"Recent photos have surfaced from the set of The Avengers: Age of Ultron, revealing what looks like a 1940s WW2 setting, further leading to Howard Stark creating Vision, which would make sense, considering [CA: TWS SPOILERS] it was revealed that Howard Stark was killed by Hydra, and Baron von Strucker, who is also in The Avengers: Age of Ultron, is involved with the Maximoff twins, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, as well as the confirmation that Captain America: The Winter Soldier is the "bridge" to The Avengers: Age of Ultron; the film that leads to it the most."

Perhaps Tony discovered some stuff in Strucker's hideout/lair after they beat him (which was supposed to be the first part of the movie).

The conclusion by CBM: "So, Howard Stark creates the Human Torch and modifies him into the Vision in the 1940s, or Howard Stark creates the Human Torch and the android modifies itself into Vision, and Hydra has knowledge of this. This would explain why Paul Bettany plays Vision, when he already played J. A. R. V. I. S. Howard Stark created him."

You can spot a common theme here. Ultron was supposed to have 'inherited' the personality of his creator. Apparently, it's Tony Stark, and he may represent the 'dark' side of Tony's personality. In similar fashion, Vision may have 'inherited' traits from Howard Stark.

These are all theories at this point derived from Bettany's statements and Easter eggs from the Captain America films. We'll piece it all out on May 1, 2015.

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‘Avengers Age Of Ultron’ Rumors
Paul Bettany
