'No Man's Sky' Release Date, Trailer, News, And Updates : Hello Games Give Us A Look At the Largest And Most Ambitious Video Game Universe Ever [VIDEO]

Some things are over hyped, and others like "No Man's Sky" literally can't be hyped up enough.

First announced at VGX 2013 and later debuted at Sony's E3 2014 press conference, and since then has taken the gaming community by storm. For those of you that don't know yet "No Man's Sky" is an actual full sized virtual galaxy made by algorithms, there are no rules, no missions, the only goal is to explore and make it towards the center. It is one of the most visionary gaming projects being produced at the moment.

Producing smaller games such as Joe Danger, the Hello Games team had only four members on staff. Due to the overwhelming production demand behind their new IP, Hello Games has recently grown to ten employees. But how could such a small team produce such an expansive, high quality game?

The "No Man's Sky" universe has been dubbed "infinite" and ever changing. By combining biology and astronomy, the developers have been able to create unique ecosystems based on astronomical proximity, environment, and atmosphere.

"No game has made it possible to fly down to a planet, and for it to be planet-sized, and feature life, ecology, lakes, caves, waterfalls, and canyons, then seamlessly fly up through the stratosphere and take to space again. It's a tremendous challenge," said Sean Murray, managing director of Hello Games

The fear that players will feel a sense of loneliness among numerous unexplored solar systems has been addressed by the development team. By starting players off in the same galaxy, the option of companionship is entirely up to the player. Players will also be able to share new planets that they have discovered, and their name will be imprinted on that planet as long as the game exists. If the planet's location is shared however, random explorers will be able to find the planet and harvest its materials for their own use.

Trading and commerce will be allowed in-game as well. Collecting whatever you find around the universe will grant players new weapons, ships, or gear. The question of creativity has not been addressed in discussions with Hello Games, so whether you will able to create a safe place to live is unknown. Whether your character will have needs to accommodate such as hunger, strength, or stamina is also unknown. So far the world has been displayed along with some gameplay, but the idea of player inventiveness and simulation has not yet been highlighted by the Hello Games team.

With such an enormous universe, one may be curious to know how it would be possible to monitor bugs with only ten people on staff. Interesting enough, Hello Games has reinvented in-game monitoring by creating automated game bots that do the exploration for them. These bots take screenshots of problem areas found in far off galaxies so that footage is sent back to the team in order for them to handle tech issues accordingly.

"Choose whether to share your discoveries with other players," the website reads. "They're exploring the same vast universe in parallel; perhaps you'll make your make on their worlds as well as your own."

"Games are incredibly bad at making the rare feel rare," says Murray. "Call of Duty is so worried about you not seeing an explosion every 15 seconds, that there's never a quiet moment, there's never a buildup. We've lost that ability to have even a feeling of 'am I going the right way' that we're quite used to from real life."

That is what "No Man's Sky" promises, an infinite game universe, with no quests, no limits, and no rules.

It's expected that "No Man's Sky" will arrive in 2015. Hello Games are clearly interested in keeping much of what their game is under wraps, and we will bring you updates as they become availabe. Until then check out this gameplay trailer.

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