Zac Efron Make-A-Wish Foundation: 'High School Musical' Star To Give Away His First Car And A 'Date' With Him For Charity!

The High School Musical actor has joined the Make-A-Wish foundation in exchange to win a trip to Los Angeles and giving away his first car to a one lucky fan and hang out with Zac Efron himself!

To enter the contest, Zac Efron only ask for a ten dollar donation to the said charity.

"Want my first car?" a signed post by Zac Efron on his Instagram account. "It's yours!!" he added posting also the details on how to join the competition.

The actor said on a video posted online that he wanted to do something quite special for the charity.

"I really want to do something special for the Make a Wish Foundation, so I teamed up with to give you a shot to win a special prizes," Zac Efron says in the video.

"For just a $10 donation to the Make a Wish Foundation, you'll be entered to win a chance to fly to Los Angeles and take home my first car," Zac added.

The car which Zac is giving away for charity is extraordinary because it was the vehicle he had where he learned how to drive and got his first driver's license.

For the fans out there of Zac Efron, check to know how to donate and win a car of Zac.

Do you want to have Zac Efron's car or to have a date with him? Why don't you try donating to the Make A Wish foundation and you could be the lucky fan who does!

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Zac Efron
First car
