Henry Cavill Update: Superman Becomes Ambassador Of Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust To Save Endangered Species; ‘What They Do Is Close To My Heart’ Says Star

Henry Cavill update: The British heathrob and Hollywood celebrity has given fans another reason to fall in love with him. According to BBC, Henry Cavill is “enormously proud” to have become an ambassador for the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust. The organization works to save species from extinction.

“What they do is close to my heart and something that deserves close attention,” Cavill said about his involvement with the organziation.

Currently on break from filming Batman vs. Superman, the actor noted that he has visited the wildlife park as a child. He also noted that the trust is doing a “seemingly impossible” task and was humbled to be part of it.

Durrell was founded 50 years ago by author and naturalist Gerald Durrell.

As an ambassador for the trust, Cavill plans to visit some of the charity’s 50 field programmes around the world.

BBC notes that Lee Durrell, honorary trust director and wife of the late Gerald Durrell, said she was thrilled at the “Man of Steel” star’s support.

“Often our field teams are required to perform almost superhuman feats in their attempts to halt the decline of some of the world’s most endangered species and their habitats,” says Durrell.

Below is a statement from Henry Cavill regarding his new role as ambassador for the conservation trust.

“I’m enormously proud to be part of a team that makes such a huge positive impact on the world. Durrell is an organization with a mission I can really get behind. I feel that saving the diversity of life on our planet will be seen as increasingly important in the not-too-distant future. I genuinely believe that Durrell provide hope for those endangered animals that others may have given up on already. They ‘do the seemingly impossible’; I would be truly humbled if I help to make that possible.”

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