Michael Cera's New Album A Big Surprise? 'Juno' Star Uploads It Online For Streaming

Michael Cera's new album took everyone by surprise as he dropped it without much ado and the "Juno" star even uploaded it on his Bandcamp account to stream for free.

Michael Cera's new album entitled "True That," which had a "folky" theme was posted online last week.

Most of the world knew nothing about Michael Cera's new album before the actor's friend Jonah Hill posted a link to the first track off the album called "Uhohtrouble" on his Twitter account on Tuesday night.

The tweet was accompanied by a caption that said: "My great friend Michael Cera not only is a brilliant actor, he also makes great music."

The indie folk album has 18 tracks which, according to Rolling Stone, is "filled mainly with vignette-like instrumentals - blending acoustic guitars with pianos, synths and left-field samples." It is being sold for $7, with three bonus tracks upon purchase.

The album was tagged "home recording" and gives the would-be-listener the impression that it was not recorded in a proper studio - "but that doesn't tarnish the album's homespun charm," explained Rolling Stone.

Tracks titles for the album include "What Gives (...I can't live like this)," "Gershy's Kiss," "Sexy Danger" and "Those Days."

The record also features a cover of American singer-songwriter Blaze Foley's "Clay Pigeon."

While more popularly known for the characters he played in movies like "Juno" and "Superbad," Michael Cera has had many musical-related ventures.

According to The Daily Mail, Cera has a history of singing, playing guitar and bass.

Most recently, he made a cameo appearance in Arcade Fire's concert special "Here Comes the Night Time."

In 2010, he played with the indie band Mister Heavenly.

He also sang a duet of The Moldy Peaches' "Anyone Else But You" with Ellen Page for the soundtrack of "Juno." He even played bass and did the backing vocals to songs on the soundtracks of his films "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" and "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist."

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