Girls' Generation(SNSD) Yoona, Untouched Photos From Commercial Sets "Beauty That Does Not Need Editing"

Yoona showed off her beauty while filming for advertisements.

CIBAVision revealed that Girls' Generation's Yoona is working as a model for revealed pictures taken at the filming studio for the 'Fresh Look Illuminate' contact lenses on July 11th.

For the photos, Yoona was able to pull off the sexy diva look, the goddess look, and the cute student look perfectly. She was complimented by staff members present on set for her ability to pull off the various of different looks.

What impressed the staff the most was Yoona's beauty that did not require editing of the photos. Just as a model for contact lenses should, she flaunted her shiny eyes with perfectly clean skin, as well as a flawless S-line.

One staff member said, "We've worked with countless models but Yoona is the first model that showed so much beauty in one picture. We almost didn't have to edit the pictures at all."

Photo Credits: CIBAVision

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