‘Prometheus 2’ Release Date Rumors: Movie Out By 2016? Cast Michael Fassbender Gives Spoilers On Ridley Scott’s Film

Latest "Prometheus 2" release date rumors hint of a March 4, 2016 schedule as cast Michael Fassbender gives hilarious spoilers on Ridley Scott film.

The website Breathecast dished out on the "Prometheus 2" release date which is likely going to be delayed as director Ridley Scott focuses on "The Martian," starring Matt Damon. The latter film is set to be release don November 25, 2015.

The website said that the "Prometheus 2" release date is only about two years ago and yet there's no news about cast, script and development, "a longer wait is the last things fans want to hear about."

It said that the script is being written by Jack Palgen and the cast that have been confirmed to be on board are Michael Fassbender and Noomi Rapace, who will both reprise their roles as the android David and the archeologist Elizabeth Shaw.

While Guy Pierce said in June that he's willing to be back for the sequel if asked, no updates about whether he will be written in for the flashbacks. In the first movie, his character Peter Weyland has died.

"I'd love to go back and play that character again. To work for Ridley again, you know, he's great -- really wonderful to work for. So yeah, I'm very curious to see what he will do next with it," Guy Pearce revealed to IGN last month.

"On a positive note, production for 'Prometheus 2' is apparently in the middle stages of its development," which means the "Prometheus 2" release date is likely to push through, according to Breathecast.

Meanwhile, in an interview with MTV, cast Michael Fassbender gave a hilarious "spoiler" of what his character David would be like in "Prometheus 2."

He then offered an impression of David to MTV writer Kevin Sullivan, which mostly comprised of the actor darting his eyes around, which would be logical since in the first movie, what remains of the android David was his head.

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