Pamela Anderson Refusal to Take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Sparks Backlash and Discussion

Pamela Anderson made headlines when she refused to take part in the ALS Association Ice bucket challenge because of the group's history of funding animal experiments. Anderson has been taking heat for it it, but she also began much-needed discussion.

In a Facebook posting, the former "Baywatch" babe explained that she refuses to participate in the viral ALS Ice Bucket Challenge because the organization is still employing animal testing. Anderson's statement was congratulated by Humane Research Australia.

Pamela Anderson, a long-time PETA supporter told her Facebook followers "Sorry - I can't bring myself to do your Ice bucket challenge. I enjoy a good dare- It's always good to bring awareness - in fun, creative ways / I don't want to take away from that. but it had me thinking. Digging a bit deeper. I found that we may not be aligned - in our messages."

The Ice Bucket Challenge dares people dare one another to dump a bucket of iced water over their heads to raise awareness for Lou Gehrig's disease, or ALS. The ALS Association pulled in 750,000 new donors and raised $42 million in less than a month due to its popularity. Bill Gates, Jimmy Fallon and Lady Gaga have all participated.    

The ALS foundation has earned more than $70 million thanks to the 'Ice Bucket Challenge. Intead of taking the challenge, Anderson challenged the ALS foundation to stop using animals for testing medicines. 

Anderson is one of only a handful of celebrities to have turned down the challenge. Ariana Grande contributed but declined to take the ALS Ice Bucket challenge due to the drought crisis.
The "Break Free" singer explained during her @MTV Twitter Takeover that "I made a donation! Do I have to waste water during a drought and dump a bucket of ice on my head if I actually donated?"

Zachary Quinto passed because of the "staggering drought in california [sic] and the desperate need for clean drinking water in developing countries."

Anderson claims animal testing is ineffective and points out that only a small number of ALS experiments on animals move on to human trials.

In a statement the ALS Association said "Significant advances have been made in ALS and other neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease using model systems such as rodents, flies and worms to better understand disease mechanisms and to develop therapies.

"With advances in technology made possible through research funding from The ALS Association, different approaches to minimize the use of these model systems are being developed. Similar to organizations globally, The ALS Association supports laboratories and scientists that strictly adhere to the guidelines provided by the National Institutes of Health. The Association is committed to honoring donor intent. If a donor is not comfortable with a specific type of research, he or she can stipulate that their dollars not be invested in that particular area."

Anderson's Full Statement:

Pamela Anderson

"Sorry -

 "I can't bring myself to do your Ice bucket challenge.

"I enjoy a good dare- It's always good to bring awareness - in fun, creative ways / I don't want to take away from that.

"but it had me thinking. Digging a bit deeper. I found that we may not be aligned - in our messages. So...

 "- I thought Instead / I'd challenge ALS to stop Animal testing /-- Recent experiments funded by the ALS Association, mice had holes drilled into their skulls, were inflicted with crippling illnesses, and were forced to run on an inclined treadmill until they collapsed from exhaustion. Monkeys had chemicals injected into their brains and backs and were later killed and dissected.

 "What is the result of these experiments (other than a lot of suffering)? In the past decade, only about a dozen experimental ALS treatments have moved on to human trials after being shown to alleviate the disease in animals. All but one of these treatments failed in humans-and the one that "passed" offers only marginal benefits to humans who suffer from ALS. This massive failure rate is typical for animal experiments, because even though animals feel pain and suffer like we do, their bodies often react completely differently to drugs and diseases. According to the FDA, 92 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal trials fail during the human clinical trial phase.

"Sophisticated non-animal testing methods-including in vitro methods, advanced computer-modeling techniques, and studies with human volunteers, among others-have given us everything from the best life-saving HIV drugs to cloned human skin for burn victims. Trying to cure human diseases by relying on outdated and ineffective animal experiments isn't only cruel-it's a grave disservice to people who desperately need cures.

"Please, help scientists make real progress toward treating and curing human diseases by visiting to find and support charities that never harm animals and which pour their time and resources into advanced, promising, human-relevant cures."

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