SISTAR's Hyorin Clears Up Informal Speech Misunderstanding

SISTAR member Hyorin's informal speech has caused some people to misunderstand it to be impolite.

On the July 14th episode of KBS2's "Entertainment Relay," Hyorin explained her informal speech saying, "I was just talking to myself, because of that unintentional misunderstandings occured." 

Meanwhile, girl groups SISTAR and T-ARA were sharing the things they envied about each other and T-ARA's Soyeon said, "SISTAR's healthy tans are really attractive and I'm jealous of their toned bodies.

Hyorin then responded to this informally, "You can tan then too," creating some controversy(Formal spech is usually used on broadcast programs, so Hyorin came off as impolite).

Internet users did not really seem care much as they wrote, "I guess the two groups are close," "Hyorin gave a cool response," and "I'm a girl and I'm jealous of Hyorin's figure too."

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