Is It Psy's Time Now? Psy Beats Eminem on Chart

Psy, on the afternoon of July 19, sold more tickets than Eminem on the Interpark site. Psy's 'The Heum-Bbuk' show was ranked fourth place and Eminem's 'Super Concert' ranked fifth place on the annual accumulated chart of 2012.

Psy and Eminem are opening their concerts on August 11 and 19 at the same place, Seoul Jamsil Stadium.

On this chart, Maroon Five is ranked second and Psy is the only Korean artist ranked within the top 10 who hasn't started the concert yet.

Number one is occupied by Lady Gaga and third is ranked by Shinhwa, who came back last March after four years.

On the other hand, Psy ranked first place on every Korean online music chart for the first time after his debut. His entertainment company, YG, celebrated by uploading the chart on their official blog.

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