Entertainment Agencies to Participate in New York K-Pop Festival! Upgraded for 2012!

Professionals from Korean entertainment agencies will participate in the judging process of the New York K-Pop Festival this year.

The Korean Cultural Service New York held the very first New York K-Pop Festival in Central Park in 2011. After seeing its incredible success, Korean entertainment agencies have decided to participate in organizing the event this year. With the involvement of professionals from the entertainment agencies, this year's New York K-Pop Festival is expected to be an upgrade from last year's festival.

Perspective participants must pick a song that is sung by SHINee, Big Bang or Wonder Girls and make a YouTube video containing their cover of the dance or song. After posting the video online, participants must fill out an application, which should include the link to their YouTube video and send it to the New York Cultural Institute (performingarts@koreanculture.org).

The results of the preliminaries will be based on public online voting beginning from the 23rd of July to the 10th of August.

The final round will consist of 9 teams that have been chosen by the judges out of those who made it through the preliminaries. The final round will take place at the New York University Skirball Center for the Performing Arts on August 31 beginning at 6PM local standard time.

The team that wins first place will receive various prizes as well as an opportunity to perform at the "2012 World K-Pop Festival" this coming October in Korea.

Lee Woo Sung, the director of Korean Cultural Service New York, stated, "The East Village of Manhattan symbolizes the arts in New York. East Village is also the heart of New York's young and the restless culture. This year, the K-Pop Festival will take place at the New York University in East Village so we hope that the event will help K-Pop become culturally iconic in New York."

To Participate:

1. Fill out the Application 

2. Applicant(s) must personally upload a 3 minute multimedia clip on YouTube and submit the application form along with the YouTube link to performingarts@koreanculture.org

*Participants must be U.S. residents

For more details, please visit Korean Cultural Service NY

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NY K-Pop Fest
