Lee Juno's Marriage Registration With 23 Year Younger Lady Brings Controversy Among Fans

Announcement of marraige by Lee Juno from 'Seotaiji and the Boys' about his 23 year younger bride caused big contraversy among fans. 

On December 6th, Lee Juno unveiled his 22 year old girlfriend Park Miri for the first time in SBS Plus 'Comeback Show Top10' which was help at Seoul Jamsil Lotte World.

The girlfriend, who is in 9th month of her pregnancy, is going to give birth to a bady next January. Also, two already registered for marraige, are legally married.

Fans are divided into two groups of opinions.

Some netizens said "Could have been daughter's age, if he married earlier", "Both of them are crazy, too much difference in age","Nothing to be jealous of", "Outrageous","Adaption, not a marriage"

Meanwhile, many sincere congratualtions were recieved also.

Some netizens siad "Wish them the best", "Lee Juno got power", "Age is only a number, am jealous of courage", "Love is only between them two"

Lee Juno is planning to have a wedding ceremony in early next year.

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