Browned Eyed Girls JeA, Shocking Two Faces 'Crazy Difference Without Eyeliner'

Brown Eyed Girls JeA showed off her 'two different faces.'

On July 24, a photo was posted on the official Twitter account of Browned Eyed Girls with the title "Brown Eyed Girls' forever leader JeA, she looks good even in a cap."

In the picture, JeA is wearing a cap that reads 'Brown Eyed Girls'. She is in comfortable clothing with no makeup on. The only difference was that she doesn't have eyeliner on, but her image is completely different from her usual look. Her charismatic image on stage was nowhere to be found, and an innocent-looking JeA was sitting in the picture.

Internet users who saw this photo commented, "Is that really JeA?," "I would believe it if they said she's the youngest in Brown Eyed Girls," and "Completely difference with the sole difference of eyeliner."

Photo Credit: Brown Eyed Girls Twitter

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