NS Yoon G's Perfect Abs Outline Her Sexy Charisma

On July 31 on NS Yoon G's official website, a few photos almost crashed the server through the level of interests of the fans. The photos were from her second new album Skinship which was released on July 18.

NS Yoon G has shown off her voluptuous body through her new rock chic concept. Even before the release of the album the new concept and songs were anticipated. Her title song, "I Got You" made for a flashy comeback, and her unique sexiness did the rest of the job for gaining attention of the fans. Her new photos only elevated her charisma to fans.

Especially noticeable were her perfectly defined abs and overall fit body line. Her pose and strong gaze made her sex charisma even more fresh. She may just be the next sexy icon of Korea.

Internet users commented, "Her body is perfect," and, "Her defined abs!" They also wrote, "When I think of sexy charisma, I think of NS Yoon G," and, "True sexy diva."

NS Yoon G is gaining the love of fans more than ever through her comeback. Her excellent live performances and sexiness make her stand out as a talented solo diva. 

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NS Yoon-G
