New Study Ranks Seattle As Number 1 Safest City for Pedestrians

Seattle rose to the top of the list as the safest U.S. city for pedestrians in the Liberty Mutual Insurance Pedestrian Safety Index, which ranked America's 15 safest pedestrian cities, based on city statistics and residents' and commuters' perceptions of safety.

According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. pedestrian population is on the rise, increasing by 24 million people between 2005 and 2010. In 2010, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported 4,302 pedestrian fatalities.

David Melton, managing director of global safety and driving safety expert with Liberty Mutual Insurance said "We are seeing a dangerously high rate of pedestrian injuries and fatalities across the country, so it's promising to see cities like Seattle dedicating the necessary resources to ensure the safety of their citizens. The goal of the Liberty Mutual Insurance Pedestrian Safety Index is to recognize the U.S. cities that are taking exceptional measures to keep their streets safe and to help others across the country learn from those best practices." 

Seattle has over 108,000 residents who commuting on foot or by public transportation each day. Seattle has less than 10 pedestrian fatalities each year. The Liberty Mutual Insurance Pedestrian Safety Index credits Seattle's safety programs like  its "Safest Route to School" Program, which keeps the youngest Seattleites safe with 501 new crosswalks, as well as improved school walking routes and school zone speed cameras, to the "Be Super Safe" campaign aimed at eliminating dangerous driving behaviors, Seattle has made pedestrian safety a top priority. Seattle residents agree, with 96 percent of those surveyed reporting feeling that the city is safe for pedestrians and 97 percent saying that the city is proactive in ensuring pedestrian safety.

The Liberty Mutual Insurance Pedestrian Safety Index is based on published government data and a consumer perception survey of more than 2,500 adults. Based on these factors, Seattle, Boston and Washington, D.C. rose to the top of the list as the safest cities for pedestrians, followed by San Francisco and New York:

Top 15 Safest U.S. Cities for Pedestrians

1. Seattle, Wash.

2. Boston, Mass.

3. Washington, D.C.

4. San Francisco, Calif.

5. New York, N.Y.

6. Portland, Ore.

7. Pittsburgh, Pa.

8. Minneapolis, Minn.

9. Chicago, Ill.

10. Atlanta, Ga.

11. Denver, Colo.

12. Philadelphia, Pa.

13. Baltimore, Md.

14. Columbus, Ohio

15. Los Angeles, Calif.

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