Star Wars Battlefront 3: Official Franchise Canon? Xbox 360 Gameplay Strategy & Release Date Trailer Updates [NEWS]

Future Star Wars games produced by Lucasfilm will build on the official franchise canon, VG247 reports.

"All aspects of Star Wars storytelling moving forward will be connected," developers told the site.

The application of a "definite strategy" for weapons within the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront 3 game is key to successfully completing the game, The Fuse Joplin reports.

"There are more high resolution weapons, in this title, than you have seen in the earlier version. You should apply a definite strategy in using the weapons," the website writes in a review of its gameplay.

"This will enable you to shoot hard on your enemies for effective damage and easy win. You should learn some unique fighting styles using the same old Star Wars signature weapons in the Battlefront version."

A Star Wars Battlefront 3 developer made a recent Twitter post about the game's upcoming release date version.

"Me and @aeonstream just solved a piece of battlefront that no one will ever think of yet it was supervital. We used addition by addition," Viktor Lundberg posted on Twitter.

Developer and soundtrack musician Viktor Lundberg, however, recently posted a Twitter message mentioning that he was looking forward to "playtesting" the game-playable alpha and beta versions of the game are available internally, reports.

The game will not be completely linked with the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII film, the Christian Post reports, leaving many gamers wondering if there will be any release date changes for the highly-anticipated Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3 and PS4 game.

"What we're building is more rooted in the traditional Star Wars Universe and not so much necessarily linked to the movies being made," Electronic Arts official Patrick Soderland said, according to the site.

"Obviously, there will be things in there that are somewhat tied to the new movie."

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