VIXX Unveil Pledge Event For New 'Error' MV + Secret Reward For 4 Million Views

VIXX promises to unlock four fan rewards in a newly revealed MV pledge event poster - one reward for every million views the idol group gets for their upcoming MV for the 'Error' second mini album. The MV is scheduled to release on October 14 at 1:00 AM.

When the MV reaches an initial 1 million views, the six-member boy group promises to drop a choreography video.

It is not immediately clear whether this means a dance practice video - which will see VIXX performing their music show performance routine in a studio, usually in more casual clothes - or a more highly produced dance version MV.

Fans should look forward to seeing either since VIXX is known to have really powerful and unique choreography with large inputs from group member, N.

At 2 million views, VIXX will release a special choreography video, which can mean anything from the boys wearing special costumes or adding a special twist to their dance.

At 3 million views, VIXX promises to hold a live chatting session with fans. The exact schedule for the live chatting session will be announced at a future date, which is understandable since the group will be very busy promoting their new album in music and variety shows, radio programs and other fan events. Further details regarding the platform and schedule in the days following the viewing achievement.

But saving the most intriguing for last, VIXX is teasing a super secret "????" reward when their new 'Error' album MV hits 4 million views. On Facebook, fans have been suggesting rewards that the group can give at this milestone.

"4 million views achievement to see Leo cross-dressing," says Aliah Farzana, which has garnered 73 Likes from fellow Starlights.

"4 million views, come to Toronto (Canada)!" says Malcom Glennie.

What do you think or want the 4 million views pledge to be?

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