Half a Million Web Links Removed By Google Due To Requests Under The ‘Right To Be Forgotten’ Statute

Close to half a million web links have been removed by Google following requests from people for information to be deleted by the search engine firm using the "right to be forgotten," laws, BBC reported.

The report said that the " right to be forgotten," allow people to ask search engine to delete data about them.

BBC said that 498,737 links that resulted from search has been removed starting May 2013.

"It follows a European Court of Justice ruling that links to irrelevant and outdated data can be erased on request," BBC stated in the article.

Goggle however still makes decision whether it will grant a person's requests. Examples of requests denied are of a former clergyman whose name allegedly comes up in searches regarding articles about a probe on a sexual abuse involvement.

The links deleted affects what was posted n Facebook, YouTube and URL's.

In related news, the Asahi News reported that the Tokyo District Court ruled in favor of a man who asked the court to order Google to remove search results about him that looked like he committed a crime.

The report said that the Tokyo judge ruled that search results of the man's name did violate his private rights.

"It is only natural that an obligation to delete (the search results) arises for Google, which manages the site," the ruling was quoted by Asahi as saying.

The law is applied in 28 countries in the European Union including Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.

There has been 3,332 links removed from Facebook and in YouTube over 2,300.

The right to be forgotten law as described by several Internet sites, "reflects the claim of an individual to have certain data deleted so that third persons can no longer trace them. It is the right to silence on past events in life that are no longer occurring. The right to be forgotten leads to allowing individuals to have information, videos or photographs about themselves deleted from certain internet records so that they cannot be found by search engine."

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