There's More To Kate Upton's Nude Photo Leak As Model Goes Sultry For New Campaign; Justin Verlander's Girlfriend Flawless In Bobbi Brown Holiday Ad

Projects continue to flood in for the model even after the infamous Kate Upton nude photo leak as Justin Verlander's girlfriend looks flawless in the Bobbi Brown holiday ad campaign.

The 22-year-old was actually announced as the face of Bobbi Brown last March but it's to the makeup titan's credit that she didn't drop the Sports Illustrated model in the aftermath of the Kate Upton's nude photo.

"Kate is proud of her healthy body and has a beautiful face for makeup. She is a real woman, a natural beauty, athletic, and radiates confidence, but doesn't take herself so seriously. She's having fun and enjoying life, and that is pretty powerful," Bobbi Brown said in a statement when she made the announcement.

"I admire women who create their own rules, so I was naturally drawn to Kate because she's a maverick who has carved her own path to success," the statement said.

According to Refinery 29, Bobbi Brown's latest line drew inspiration from two icons.

"I drew inspiration from the roles played by legendary actress Lauren Bacall in How to Marry a Millionaire, alongside Marilyn Monroe, and The Big Sleep with Humphrey Bogart. She always looked put-together, but never overdone."

Bobbi Brown said that she loves the challenge of thinking of new products, putting them on paper and work to make them a reality.

The site said that Kate Upton's face is the perfect canvass "to recreate Bacall's signature smolder." In the poster for the campaign, the model is looking over her shoulder, "with her eyes neatly lined and complemented by a soft hint of shimmer and a very '40s lipstick."

Apparently, the Kate Upton nude photo leak didn't affect the model's career as she is as busy as ever.

"Don't think this is the only campaign Ms. Upton is lending her gorgeous face to-Express and Sam Edelman also boast the bombshell's face on their ads," said E! News.

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Kate Upton nude photo leak
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