T-ARA Soyeon's Car Accident is Fake?!

There have been allegations that T-ARA member Soyeon's car accident is a lie.

Yesterday, Soyeon was in the car on her way to the filming of her new drama when the car slipped on the road, crashing into the guardrail. She was taken to the hospital to find out that she did not have any major injuries. A picture of her at the hospital was revealed online with a neck brace.

However, an internet user who claims to work in a hospital claimed that the accident is false. The problem was the neck brace. The neck brace that Soyeon was wearing in the pictures was for someone who has hurt their neck severely. For Soyeon to put her hand up to her head would be impossible if she really did hurt her neck. This proved that her accident could in fact be a lie.

Internet users commented, "If this is true, I am so disappointed" and "Just looking at the pictures it looks fake."

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