‘Interstellar’ Is ‘The Greatest Movie Ever!’ Christopher Nolan Opus Advance Screening Has Some Fellow Directors Awestruck By ‘Terrific Performances, Haunting Imagery!’

The verdict is out on "Interstellar"-- at least from the limited audience from the advance screening. While they are advised not to share details, they are too overwhelmed to hold back some tweets.

Indiewire talked to the lead actor Matthew McConaughey and he voices out what most of the tweets echoed:

"Chris is out for what's original," McConaughey said. 'Everything he wants to do has to be original. He's a man whose reach exceeds his grasp, with this film that's true, it's by far the most ambitious film Nolan's ever directed. You'll see why."

Why did the director of "The Dark Knight Rises" choose space as his next project? Nolan loved science fiction-and it reflects even in his superhero movies. He also idolized astronauts.

 "I like the idea of being on the cusp of a brand new era of exploration and traveling outwards now. I was excited by the idea of taking my brother Jonah's script about Cooper, played by Matthew, and his family and follow them on this incredible journey, into another galaxy, a big journey... for me primarily it's a thrill trying to make a large-scale science-fiction film about a journey to the stars which has to be about the audience experience, taking you with us."

They also note: "Nolan worked hard to 'create the reality of this kind of space machine,' he said, using innovative mixes of different techniques, and created views out of the space ship interiors for the actors. Of course he's using the IMAX high resolution format, he said,'which is the biggest possible way to see the film and immerse audience in it. It's the perfect way to paint this on a large canvas, trying to show the biggest possible images imaginable.'"

The "Inception" helmsman also shared that he "learned on the journey of making the film so far that it's about human beings, what it is to be human. That's what our place is in the universe. The further you travel out the more you realize that it's what's in here --and who we are as human beings."

Here are some of the tweets from the lucky few including directors Edgar Wright (The World's End) and Brad Bird (The Incredibles, Tomorrowland):

Dazzled by the ambition & intelligence of Chris Nolan's INTERSTELLAR. Terrific performances, haunting imagery, WOW. See it in 70MM IMAX.

— Brad Bird (@BradBirdA113) October 21, 2014

Am I allowed to say that 'Interstellar' is incredible yet? — edgarwright (@edgarwright) October 13, 2014

So Interstellar was probably the best movie I've ever seen.

— Catbug. (@chocobugcat) October 18, 2014

Chris Nolan did it Again!!! INTERSTELLAR GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME — Taco (@TripleCthaMost) October 18, 2014

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