"We got marrid" Lee Teuk, draws laughter with his more natural conversation with a cardboard.

Lee Teuk drew laughs from the viewers because he seemed to be more comfortable carrying on a conversation with a 'Kang So Ra' he made from cardboard.

On the December 10th episode of MBC "We Got Married" Lee Teuk showed up to the concert rehearsal scene with the cardboard cut out of Kang So Ra.

From here Lee Teuk started a conversation with the cardboard saying "Excuse me but I'm going to put my hands on". He continued the conversation naturally saying "You weigh as much as a feather"

The reason Lee Teuk showed up with the cardboard cut-out was for the surprise stage of the day's concert. To the silent cardboard Lee Teuk said "Please watch over the researsal, I'll carry you because your legs must hurt", going as far as carrying the cut-out on his back, making things even more comical.

Lee Teuk looking embarrassed, said to the cardboard "Do you know? you don't know right? expect a lot"; making a lot of people smile.

On the other hand, Kang So Ra drew attention by discreetly meeting other Super Junior members, asking them to take good care of her husband while gifting them with red ginseng and several 'missions'.

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