Pippa Middleton Reveals Four Step Fitness Routine That Keeps Her Toned, Admits She Indulges In Chocolate, Crisps, And Wine

Pippa Middleton doesn't believe in dieting.

The Duchess of Cambridge's sister, who has become know for her toned figure, recently wrote a column for Waitrose Weekend magazine in which she reveals that her fitness routine is all about balance. And that includes a little chocolate every now and then.

"I grew up with the belief that good health is about moderation in all things," wrote 31-year-old Pippa, "so I'll be celebrating healthy living through exercise, a balanced diet and a little of the naughty stuff sprinkled in-I'm talking chocolate, crisps and the occasional glass of wine."

Kate Middleton's younger sister completed the intense Race Across America bike competition this June and is constantly photographed working out in the UK. But when it comes to health, one thing Pippa told the magazine she won't do is diet.

"I've never done Dukan, attempted Atkins or exercised religiously seven days a week, but I do believe in making healthy choices-keeping refined carbs such as white bread and pasta to a minimum, and sticking to sensible portion sizes," said Middleton.

"I know that if I fit in at least three, ideally five, sessions of exercise a week, be it a 30 minute run, an hour's walk or a good game of tennis, it boosts my mood and energy, and helps me sleep and digest better," she added. "So I make it a priority, whatever the weather or my work schedule."

Middleton outlined four simple workout moves that are "great for toning all over." These include ladders, planks, plié squats, and wall pushes.

"I've chosen some of my favorite exercises for toning the whole body, all of which can be done at home. Do the routine three times a week and you'll really notice a difference."

Each exercise takes about two minutes to perform and should be done with a 30-second break in between moves. Pippa recommends a two minutes rest after each circuit. 

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Duchess of Cambridge
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