EXO Chanyeol Falls In Love With Being A DJ

Group EXO Chanyeol tried out the concept of a DJ.

Lifestyle magazine "The Celebrity" suggested to Chanyeol of trying out to be a DJ, because he has always shown interest in guitar, piano, and song writing.

In the picture they released, EXO Chanyeol is in a colorful suit and posing in front of a DJ booth at a club.

For Chanyeol, group Beat Burger member Sim Jae Won taught him the basics of the DJ-ing processes including the basics. Before he knew it, Chanyeol was pulled into the charms of being a DJ during the photoshoot.

Sim Jae Won said, "Because Chanyeol has always been interested in instruments and music, he showed keen interest in the DJ-ing equipment and learned it fast. It's nice that he was able to approach it like a fun toy."

Chanyeol said, "I like the idea that with DJ-ing you can make new music with an existing song. You can also help people have fun and enjoy the music together."

Chanyeol's photo shoot will be in the November edition of "The Celebrity."

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