‘Captain America 3 Civil War’ Cast: Marvel Event Kills ‘Iron Man 4’ Hopes! Robert Downey Jr Takes $ 40 Million For Cap 3 Appearance?

The Marvel Event had confirmed a lot of rumors, speculations and wishes but it also quashed the hopes of millions of Iron Man fans. Until the next 5 years, there will be no 'Iron Man 4.'

Most people would blame RDJ's inflated paycheck for the death of the project but Marvel is not actually flinching at paying the suave tycoon. According to Newsarama, the studio will shell out a cool 40 million big ones for Tony Stark even if it's not his movie.

"While Marvel could someday roll out a fourth Iron Man or follow-up the announced third installments of Captain America and Thor, they doesn't(sic) seem to be in any hurry to do a fourth installment of a solo movie.

Although Marvel is renowned to keep budgets as lean as possible, getting the actors who get famous with the movies to stay around costs money - reportedly $40 million, for instance, for Robert Downey Jr. to be part of Captain America; Civil War. While Marvel movies on average make ten times that in just one territory, we imagine those kinds of paychecks would be a bitter pill to swallow for future sequels - especially as they would expand with every movie."

They will still have to keep Downey on board for "Avengers 3: Infinity War" which will join the trend of 'Harry Potter' and 'Twilight' in terms of having a two-part ending. Downey, Jr. will still have his hands (and wallet) full with those movies only being a year apart.

We will probably not miss Tony Stark since he will have a prominent role controlling the Avengers. If they follow the Civil War plot, he will have his own team and he's also controlling SHIELD.

With a May 6, 2016 play date, we will still see RDJ as Tony Stark every May-from 2015 to 2019-if his rumored guest appearance with Guardians of the Galaxy works out.

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