JYJ Park Yuchun stays strong in filming long CF

"'Park Yuchun! Look here, please.' Click. This photograph was taken for a test shot. It's a slightly brighter shot than before. Your eyes are especially beautiful here," was a tweet posted by the CF producer about JYJ member and actor Park Yuchun on December 12. The producer continued the tweet to compliment Park's professionialism and discipline on set:

"It was a difficult shooting. Originally, filming was scheduled for 8 hours, but ran longer and was 11 hours due to unforeseen circumstances- from 10 AM to 11PM... and it was very cold. Plus, Park Yuchun was wearing only a shirt and must have been freezing, but he showed great acting until the end."

After reading the producer's tweet, fans send Yuchun much praise and encouragement. The CF has been made available on youtube. 

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