Sims 4 New Mods, Including Imperfect Perfection Skin Mod, Audio Or Music Ultra-Speed Fix And Easy Invite Ghost To Household!

The Sims 4 has new mods for players to have a great playing experience on the said game.

Below are the Sims 4 new mods that the players will surely like, according to the report of the Master Herald.

Audio or Music Ultra-Speed Fix

The first Sims 4 new mods is the audio or music ultra-speed fix, where it fixes the issue in the game stereo and also the voice of the Sims. With this "all the audio-tracks inside the game run on normal speed regardless of the changes made." Players can find out the XML files and can download the links of the said Mod from the internet.

Easy Invite Ghost-to-Household

The said mod will allow the ghost Sims to be invited into the household. This mod has three packages, the first one is the InviteGhost_Rel35.package with this you can ask a ghost Sim to visit your household.

Second, is the InviteGhost_RelNeutral.package with this the relationship score to zero and can invite also a ghost Sim.

Lastly is the InviteGhost_Rel-100.package which can change the relationship score to 100 and the player can control Sim as well as can invite a Ghost Sim.

Imperfect Perfection Skin Mod

This Sims 4 new mods which is the imperfect perfection skin mod. It has two different customized watches in both female and male version for teens and elders also. It has also a customized thumbnails and a "definite amount of realism to the game through some imperfections featured on the various Sims titles."

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