The Surviving Members Of Ladies' Code, Sojung, Ashley & Zuny Are Back In Their Dorm

Polaris Entertainment has notified members of the press that the surviving members of Ladies' Code, Zuny, Ashley, and Sojung, have returned to their group dorm.

Media outlet Soompi delivered one of the initial English language reports, which details the resting period of the three remaining members of Ladies' Code. The three members were separated during a period of rest but were instructed to return to their dorm, following advice that it may be psychogically harmful to remain in their respective homes.

As outlined in Soompi, Zuny had been resting Gwangju while Sojung was recuperating in Wonju. Ashley traveled outside of Korea to the United States.

Representatives for Polaris Entertainment did not provide an update regarding activities the surviving members. Instead, the agency emphasized that the girls would be together to provide solace, as they continue grieving.

Beyond the death of members EunB and RiSe, the surviving members of Ladies' Code are also dealing with news regarding the investigation and arrest of the group's manager.

On November 12, Polaris Entertainment revealed that the manager of Ladies' Code was under investigation for the September 3 motor vehicle accident which claimed the lives of EunB and RiSe. Sojung was seriously injured during the accident and remains under the care of physicians.

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