Confessions Of A Big Bang Fangirl

I know this is going to sound very strange, but the reason I began listening to Big Bang was the Backstreet Boys.

It think it was the nostalgic coincidences. There were five members, each had a unique look, and they sang dramatic love songs. It's the hard to resist lovable-boys-next-door factor. The Backstreet Boys weren't the best looking band back in the day and neither is Big Bang. I'll attest to that. But their warm charm and self-depricating humor makes them more approachable than other boy groups. I'd also rather look at a member and smile, while remembering a hilarious English rant onstage, than simply gawk at a toned physique.

My best friends and I are proud V.I.P's. Here are four secrets we share, which are simultaneously four reasons why this band is our favorite K-Pop group ever.

1. What We Truly Think of G-Dragon's Style

Without a doubt, when asked about G-Dragon's style we will say, "Oh my god, GD is such a fashionista!" But in reality, 95% of the time what we're really thinking is, "Oh my god, how many polar bears died to make that coat?"

We love G-Dragon because his idea of matching is zigzag patterns, upon fur, upon three layers of solid gold accessories, and then a new tattoo or a seaweed hair extension that sweeps the floor as he walks around. We respect him because he doesn't follow fashion trends. He's aware of what people think of his style choices but that doesn't affect his confidence. Also, we all secretly love to shake our heads while thinking, "Oh GD, what on earth are you wearing you special creature?"

Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of American Vogue once said, "There's something about fashion that scares people." I would say fashion is afraid of G-Dragon.

There is nothing he won't try! Reaching that level of self-assurance takes bravely. Style is a form of expression and sometimes it isn't easy showing people how you feel. G-Dragon dresses in bold, flamboyent clothes because it makes him happy. The crazier G-Dragon dresses, the more open and energetic he appears. His style isn't just a quirk; it's a stepping stone for his fans. When we're unsure of an outfit, we remember that he once wore a solid gold tuxedo. We shrug and think, "We only have one life. Let's dress however we want!"

2. Every Member Has Been Our #1 At Some Point


Every Big Bang member has had an album era as our favorite.

During the Always and Stand Up eras it was G-Dragon, the star of practically every music video. He went to jail and confessed to a murder he didn't commit to save the love of his life ("Lies"), and then he lost his girlfriend to cancer ("Haru Haru"). You just wanted to hug him for an entire year.

Then came Remember era, where Taeyang and Daesung rose to the spotlight. You began noticing Taeyang's smooth, R&B voice in his solo song "Only Look At Me," and fell in love with Daesung's goofiness in the "Sunset Glow" music video.

But by the time Big Bang 2 was released, and the "Tell Me Goodbye" Japanese music video with it, T.O.P had you in his grasp with his insanely raspy voice and finely tailored suits.

Seungri is always on the brink of the top spot whenever he releases a flawless mini album. An erratic bias list is always a good sign that you like a very versatile band with talented members.

3. Most Of Us Bought Lollipop Phones In Colors We Didn't Even Like

I hate hot pink to the very core of my being. I had a hot pink "first generation" dLite Lollipop phone for three years.

I saw the music video for 2NE1 and Big Bang's collaboration single "Lollipop," went to the T-Mobile store looking for a blue phone, and came out with the last available pink atrocity. The thing is, I couldn't even hate that phone despite its hideous color. Every time I looked at it, all I could see was Daesung smiling while wearing an equally blinding pink jacket.

My friends found this scenario hilarious and bought me matching phone accessories. Together, we turned the pink phone into a girly monstrosity. This was the first non-album purchase I made related to the band. I was finally becoming passionate about a group again and wanted to support different projects.

4. We're Aware That Most of Big Bang's Music Isn't "Crtically-Acclaimed"

We like Big Bang for their music. We're aware that they don't produce critically-acclaimed compositions and lyrical stories. Their priority is to make fun, relatable songs. Some are auto-tuned to the extreme and insanely catchy ("Tonight"); others are dramatic love songs with hilariously unnecessary but brilliant monologues ("Haru Haru"), and then there are those that simply never happened in our minds or iTunes ("Stupid Liar").

Big Bang is our favorite band because they make happy music that fits any situation. It's about relieving stress, not drowning in intense emotions. Even if a song is just a production disaster, with some of the cheesiest, most overplayed electronic sound effects-If the song makes us smile, then we're buying it! The idea of "generic pop" is automatically coupled with a lot negative stereotypes, which is unnecessary. The term generic means universal. There is nothing wrong with trying to appeal to a large audience and bringing them together in song.

In real life, if a guy approached me and said, "Oh girl, I cry cry, you're my all, say goodbye." I would walk away. But K-Pop is about the moment, the suspension of disbelief! So when G-Dragon says it, I scream along with the rest of the fangirls at the concert.

What Big Bang secrets do you and your friends share? Tell me below!


About the author: Elsa is the founder, head writer, and editor of She's a coffee addict, K-pop enthusiast, fashion lover and one of the few remaining members of the Church of Kristianity.

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