Go Ah Ra: Want To Work With Won Bin

Actress Go Ah Ra chose Won Bin as her ideal type.

Go Ah Ra chose Won Bin to a question 'What is your ideal type?" at the press conference for a movie 'Papa'(directed by Han Ji Seung, Sang Sang film production), which took place at Lotte Cinema in Gundae.

Park Yong Woo chose Han Hye Jin and Um Jung Hwa as his favorite actress, whom he had worked with before. To a question "What do you think Go Ah Ra's ideal type?" asked by MC Kim Tae Jin, he made reporters laugh by mentioning his name.

Go Ah Ra agreed "Right" and added "I want to work with Won Bin and I really like An Sung Ki"

PaPa, which described the process of building a family of a manager, Shin Choon Sup(Park Yong Woo), ran away star, and 6 kids in Atlanta, US, will hit the theater on January 19th next year.

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