Hetalia Season 6 News: FUNimation Announces New Hetalia Anime Series: ‘Hetalia The World Twinkle’ [VIDEO]

Hetalia Season 6 News: Hetalia is coming back in a new anime series that will be called "Hetalia The World Twinkle.

According to Monthy Comic Birz, there will be a Hetalia Season 6. Hopefully it will be funded by German bankers, catered by French cooks and all the lovers will be Italian.

Monthly Comic Birz is reportedly set to reveal that the sixth season of Hetalia has been given the green light.

According to Fandom Post, the Hetalia season 6 will be called The World Twinkle. Speculation has it that the new resurrection of Hetalia will debut in 2015. Fandom Post also speculated that a lot of the behind the scenes players from previously seasons will be back.

FUNimation acquired the rights to a Hetalia movie and already nabbed the licensed to streamed and simulcast Hetalia.

Hetalia started as a "cynical gag" story that takes place in Europe after World War I and during World War II as well as other historical events, modern holidays, or at no specific time whatsoever. Each nationality is represented by a group of bishōnen. The series presents an often over-the-top allegory of political and historic events.

Hetalia plays with ethnic stereotypes going all the way back to the Roman Empire. The Italia Veneziano character loves women and pasta, the German bishi is an aficionado of potatoes and sausages, Nippon is an otaku boy. Regions like Hong Kong, and micronations like the Principality of Sealand, are also represented by character.

 The United States is represented by Uncle Sam and John Bull.

Hetalia, which get its name from the Japanese words for "useless" (hetare) and Italy (Italia), comes from the Japanese webcomic Hetalia: Axis Powers. The series was adapted as a manga and an anime series by Hidekaz Himaruya. 

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