JYJ's Junsu Named Best Male Musical Actor Of 2014 By The Musical Magazine

JYJ's Junsu was named the #1 best male musical actor of 2014. The Musical, a professional musical magazine, stated that Junsu was "an actor that boasts ticket power."

On December 3, C-JeS Entertainment stated, "The poll, 'This Year's Best Male Musical Actor,' conducted by the profession magazine, The Musical, revealed Junsu had won first place by an overwhelming outcome of fifty percent. This proved that he had received much love from his musical audience." 

A representative from The Musical evaluated, "Kim Jun-su boasts the best ticket power in the field. While playing the role of 'Count Dracula' in Dracula, the Musical and the role of 'Todd' in Elizabeth, he excelled in representing a non-human, fantasy presence.  He left a strong impression through visually shaping the characteristics of 'Count Dracula' and taking the distinctive character to the next level by making him mysterious and bittersweet."

From last July to September, the musical, Dracula, the Musical, played at the Seoul Arts Center Opera House. Junsu brought the instincts and love of 'Count Dracula' to life and had an overwhelming presence. Before the opening, when Junsu's casting was announced, the musical was picked as the most anticipated musical for the second half of the year. The show was sold out without a single empty seat, proving the power of his popularity.

On December 30 and 31, Junsu will be hold a year-end concert, '2014 XIA Ballad & Musical Concert With Orchestra Vol.3,' at the Jamsil indoor stadium in Seoul.

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C-JeS Entertainment
The Musical
