TIME, "Psy, are You Tired of the 'Horse-Riding' Dance?"

American weekly news magazine, TIME, published an article of interviewing Psy on its latest edition (published on the 8th).

Psy told his story of how he became a surprise star on the Internet and how he felt about meeting famous American entertainers, and his future plans in a funny way, featured on the magazine in its culture section.

To the question, "Do you get tired of the horse-dance," he answered, "Sometimes, yes. I am human, too. I get tired of the same questions, 'What does Gangnam Style mean?' 'Teach me how to dance.'"

He picked Ellen Degeneres the talk show host as the best dancer among the people whom he taught the dance to.

Psy appeared on NBC "Ellen Show" and taught the horse-dance to Ellen Degenerous and singer Britney Spears.

Regarding Britney Spears he said, "We have to dance again next time, because she did not expect me to be on the show and wore a tight skirt and high hills, and could not perform her usual ability."

Regarding his future plans he said, "When I tell people, 'I am Psy,' they say, 'Psy? Ah! The guy from YouTube!' That's what I don't like, and I need to be more famous than the video. I need to keep promoting myself."

Psy also said, "I do not plan to represent my country as if I were an athlete. I'm just an artist. But because everything that I do is for the first time in the Korean culture, I make the effort to do my best."

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