"Gangnam Style" & Psy Takes Over New York Comic Con

Along with K-Pop springing up at Comic Con, it wouldn't be complete without Psy.

As Verix, Inc. showcased music videos from various artists, they showed Psy's video more than the rest. "Gangnam Style" was played about 5 times and every time the video came back on, there was a flashmob. A small one, but a flashmob nonetheless. Ten teenagers/young adults danced each and every time. The owner of the booth even stated, "Alright ladies, one more time!" as he played the song for a third time.

Passersby's who knew the song would stop and dance for a few moments, even mimicking noticeable instances from the video; preferably the elevator scene with No Hong Chul and Psy.

A young fellow actually dressed as Psy and interrupted the Just Dance 4 demonstration to dance along to "We No Speak Americano." Watch the video below to see the hilarious cosplayer!

Psy seems to continue to take over the world with "Gangnam Style."

Photo Credit: Google Images

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Gangnam Style
Comic Con
