"I'm gonna go see Kara Guri" Musical male audience almost 50%... crazy popularity

Kara member Guri's musical debut piece "200lbs Beauty" is raising the male ratio of musical attendees over its normal ratio.

Park Guri has done total of 6 performances of the musical "200lbs. Beauty" in Seoul Art Hall starting last 6th to 17th, meeting Korean audience for the first time after selling out her shows in Japan last month. As the result, the number of male audience which have been relatively low for "200 lbs. Beauty" has risen.

According to the production company Show Notes, the ratio of male audience has been at around 50% for '200lbs. Beauty'. For other musicals, it is normally at around 25% to 40%. Show Notes sources stated "For Park Guri shows the ratio of male audience in their 10s and 20s are exceptionally high. We figure it is Kara fans as well as normal male audience wanting to see Park Guri", explaining the situation.

Out of 1st round of tickets, Park Guri has the concerts on 18th and 21st left to go. The producers says she is also raising the market stocks. She has a little issue with her throat right before concert but she tried her best and is now comfortably settled in the musical scene.

Park Guri stated "I try my best knowing that I, along with fellow actors need to take charge of the huge stage for two hours. I'm so happy to be doing a musical where I'm able to sing, dance, and act all at once."

Park Guri will be making an appearance on MBC 'our Sunday night -LuluLaLA' as well as continuing her musical for the end of the year. She is also busy attending to all schedules for Korea and Japan's end of the year awards and ceremonies.

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