Ahmed Merabet's Brother Urges Others Not To Avenge His Death With Violence, Calls Terrorists False Muslims [PHOTO]

This Sunday, a funeral for slain police officer Ahmed Merabet was held in Paris. According to The Telegraph, the 42-year-old policeman was the first officer on the scene of the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris that occurred this past Wednesday. Al Qaeda brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi fired at Merabet as he approached, killing him instantly.

During the funeral, Merabet's brother Malek Merabet called the terrorists who killed Ahmed "false Muslims." According to The Guardian, he stated, "My brother was Muslim and he was killed by two terrorists, by two false Muslims."

He continued, "Islam is a religion of peace and love. As far as my brother's death is concerned, it was a waste. He was very proud of the name Ahmed Merabet, proud to represent the police and of defending the values of the Republic - liberty, equality, fraternity."

He then ended his speech, stating, "I address myself now to all the racists, Islamophobes and antisemites. One must not confuse extremists with Muslims. Mad people have neither color nor religion...

I want to make another point: don't tar everybody with the same brush, don't burn mosques - or synagogues. You are attacking people. It won't bring our dead back and it won't appease the families."

Merabet's speech called for calm, as well as unity and tolerance. Merabet's partner, Morgane Ahmad, has done the same. She recently stated, "What the family and I want is for everyone to be united, we want everyone to be able to demonstrate in peace, we want to show respect for all the victims and that the demonstration should be peaceful."

Some have tried to demonstrate peacefully through social media. According to The Daily Mail, thousands spread the hashtag #JeSuisAhmed on Twitter in order to express their admiration for his sacrifice and defend the right to free speech. One user, identified as @Aboujahjah, said: "I am not Charlie, I am Ahmed the dead cop. Charlie ridiculed my faith and culture and I died defending his right to do so."

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Ahmed Merabet
Malek Merabet
Charlie Hebdo
