K-Pop Beyond The Charts: Prepare To Get Charmed By Sinzo's 'Surely' Featuring Hyobin [AUDIO]

K-Pop Beyond The Charts is an occasional review column highlighting Korea's modern day musical innovators who have yet to find mainstream success.

If you listen to a lot of South Korean pop music, that opening major seven chord can be a death knell, signifying the somber, serious song that is to follow.

That's why it is so refreshing to hear South Korean rapper Sinzo and vocalist Hyobin defy expectations on "Surely," released on Thursday, by following up that one-chord intro with a rhythmic blend of hip-hop and pop that is as (dare I say) endearing as it is danceable.

Sinzo and Hyobin ooze charm and likability on "Surely" with a chemistry that is impossible to fake.

And that is really just it. From the production on "Surely" to the songwriting and instrumentation to the performances delivered by these two clearly underrated artists, there is nothing forced going on here, nothing that doesn't feel completely natural for the listener.

These are two performers with raw talent.

In this era of televised singing contests and infinite amounts of new viral YouTube sensations popping up every day, it is easy for aspiring artists to err on the side of flash and flair. Too many artists feel like they need to show you how fast they can rap or how high they can sing, in every song.

It gets exhausting.

That's what makes it all the more refreshing to see artists like Sinzo and Hyobin focusing on making music that grooves without anything to prove. Though neither artist has much notoriety in the West, they may have just created the most palatable new pop release of the moment in Korea right now.

Unfortunately, it appears unlikely that the general record buying public feels the same way.

Listen to the new Sinzo single "Surely" featuring Hyobin RIGHT HERE

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