SNSD humiliated for incorrect Japanese pronounciation

The talk about SNSD's Japanese pronounciation is not going away.

On 19th SNSD appeared on HuJi TV 'HEYHEYHEY' to sing 'The Boys' in Japanese.

Famous comedian Masatoshi Hamada pointed out 'I can't understand what you're trying to say', in front of SNSD. When SNSD panicked, the other MC changed the topic, trying to draw away from the comment.

It was a short part of the broadcast, but this part video is receiving a lot of attention from the netizens.

Most netizens are arguing that it was to point out SNSD's pronounciations, one even posting a piece titled "Because they are foreigners their pronounciations are not going to match up to natives"

On the other hand, netizens who know well of Masatoshi Hamada commented "he's known i Japan for his straight way of talking. That comment doesn't compare to the stuff he says", "itsn't because the song has chaotic lyrics?" and etc...

Photo: Hey Hey Hey

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