George Clooney Decries Humanitarian Crisis In Darfur, Speaks Out Against Mass Rape And Makes Wife Amal Clooney Proud [PHOTO]

Amal Clooney isn't the only Clooney who stands up for humanitarian rights! According to E Online, George Clooney recently joined forces with author John Prendergast and Sudan policy analyst Akshaya Kumar in a New York Times op-ed where he reminded us of the humanitarian crisis going on in Darfur.

The trio is currently working with the Enough Project, whose website states that they work "to end genocide and crimes against humanity, focused on areas where some of the world's worst atrocities occur." The project's strategy is to "energize diverse communities - including students, religious groups, activists, business leaders, celebrities, and diaspora networks - to ensure that their voices are heard on some of the most pressing foreign policy and moral challenges facing the world today."

The op-ed was published on Feb. 25. 2015, and is titled "George Clooney on Sudan's Rape of Darfur." The piece starts out, "In 2004, the United States declared Sudan's actions a genocide. After that spike in attention and concern, the world has largely forgotten about Darfur. Unfortunately, the government of Sudan has not."

Clooney then goes into detail about how Sudan's government has silenced human rights concerns by hampering investigations of human rights abuses and pressuring peacekeeping forces to withdraw.

He also mentions a recent and brutal mass rape that took place in the village of Tabit. The incident was documented by the Human Rights Watch, and Clooney states, "After collecting more than 130 witness and survivor testimonies over the phone, its researchers concluded that at least 221 women had been raped by soldiers of the Sudanese Army over a 36-hour period last October."

The piece concluded with the urge to refocus our attentions on Darfur. It reads, "The 'torture rapes' in Tabit are a reminder to the world that the same conditions that led to the United States' declaration of genocide in Darfur are still firmly in place, with devastating human consequences. We must not forget the survivors, and we must impose deterrent costs on the orchestrators and their enablers."

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