Shane had a eye cancer removal surgery at 18 months

Shane's parents opened up about their son's eye cancer.

On 24ths broadcast of MBC 'Situation Human Documentary, that day' captured the image of twenty year old Canadian Shane on his debut day in Korea. Shane was a live stage performer on MBS 'Star Audition-Great Birth Season 1'.

On this day's program, the production crew visited Shane's parents who are in Canada. Mother Lowina opened up about Shane's eye cancer while showing off his baby pictures. Shane was found with eye cancer at 18 months of age.

Lowina stated "At the time the opthalmologist told me your son will not be able to see out of his left eye. More importantly, he said the cancer grew so much that he could see it without checking for anything".

To which Shane's father Bruce stated "We had to have the surgery as soon as possible to save his life." and "To stop the cancer from spreading we had to remove his eye", explaining Shane's situation.

After the surgery Shane has been wearing an artificial eye.

Photo Credit: MBC capture

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