Medical Malpractice Found To Be The Cause Of Rock Legend Shin Hae Chul's Death, According To Police

After a three-month investigation, the Songpa police station published a conclusive report that rock legend Shin Hae Chul's died due to negligence of a hospital director who operated on the singer, based on a Soompi report.

On October 17, Director Kang of Sky Hospital performed a synechotomy on the singer's gastrointestinal tract. But problems began when the director performed unauthorized stomach reduction surgery which resulted in 1 cm perforations in the singer's upper small intestine as well as 3 mm perforations in his pericardium, the police report revealed.

These perforations caused the singer to develop peritonitis or inflammation of the peritoneum and septicemia or blood poisoning.

The police report noted that the singer had been experiencing symptomatic pain after the surgery, but it was waved off as a normal occurrence. It was on October 20, a day after Shin Hae Chul left the hospital after surgery, he returned to complain about pain and a 38.8 degree Celsius fever he was experiencing. But the singer was told not to worry and the hospital failed to look into his discomfort, which could have revealed the extent of his after-surgery complications.

Director Kang defended himself during police questioning, claiming that he had no choice but to release Shin Hae Chul because of his activities.

On October 22, Shin Hae Chul suffered a heart attack and passed away on October 27 from complications.

In its conclusion, the police declared that the surgery itself was not the direct cause of death for the singer, but medical negligence for failing to enact proper measures on two separate opportunities to treat Shin Hae Chul for complications after surgery.

With these findings, the police has submitted the case against Director Kang to the prosecution for further review.

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