Emily Blunt Ignores Michael Buble Apology, Ex Boyfriend Jealous Of Her Married Life With John Krasinski? Singer Compares Wife To ‘Edge Of Tomorrow’ Actress?

Emily Blunt ignored her ex boyfriend Michael Buble making a plea for forgiveness almost seven years after the cheating scandal. Good thing that ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ star is happily married to John Krasinski with a baby girl by her side.

‘Edge of Tomorrow’ star has indeed come a long way since Michael Buble cheated on her. In fact, Emily Blunt is so comfortable about her post-baby figure that she is willing to venture out in Los Angeles without John Krasinski by her side!

According to Yahoo! Celebrity, Michael Buble spoke out publicly about the time that he cheated on Emily Blunt.

"I was a jerk and I was careless and reckless with the hearts of women I was with. And I got my karma. I earned it," he said. "I got my butt and my heart kicked and it hurt me enough that I looked in the mirror and I didn't want it to happen again. If I wanted to be a happy guy and really fall in love, I would have to love myself."

He added: "It's so cringy how I acted. The reason to be a good guy isn't for the person you're with, it's for you."

But the ex boyfriend is a long past history for the actress. In an interview with People Magazine, she said that being a parent is “the best thing ever!"

“You don’t know what to expect because it’s just completely, existentially out of anything that you’ve ever experienced before, and it’s quite indescribable.”

And it looks like her husband John Krasinski is giving all the support that she needs.

Emily Blunt added, “I like to sing old standards to my baby daughter. I think John likes to hear me sing songs to Hazel. He has to like them! It is just wonderful being a parent.”

Do you think Michael Buble is comparing his current wife to Emily Blunt? Let me know in the comments below!

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