Russia Wants to Produce 'Gangnam Style' Vodka

From bobble heads to t-shirts, Psy's "Gangnam Style" has become a trademark in the merchandising industry.

Back in August, YG Entertainment registered "Gangnam Style" as a trademark in the US to make various products out of the famous viral hit by Psy. 

However, it was recently reported that a Russian-based company applied for the famous trademark to be used on beverages such as vodka, cocktail, and juices. 

In an article from

According to Russian patent agency Rospatent, the question of Psy's trademark in Russia hasn't been settled yet. It has reportedly received an application from a Yekaterinburg-based company called "City".

However, the only way for the trademark to be approved is if Psy personally gives his "yes".

If "Oppah, Gangnam Style" is a go, await for the famous phrase to be on drinks. What do you guys think about it? Will it succeed?

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Gangnam Style
YG Entertainment
