MBC Girls' Generation Comeback Show, Hyped Up But View Rates Low

Girl group Girls' Generation (SNSD)'s comeback show "Romantic Fantasy" was hyped up, but its view rates revealed disappointing results.

According to the view rates company AGB Nielsen Media Research today, SNSD's comeback show 'SNSD's Romantic Fantasy' that was aired yesterday only had 3.8% view rate all over the world.

They released their title song "I Got a Boy" yesterday along with their music video, and in the show, they performed this song for the first time.

Total of 80 minutes was given to their comeback show. It had been catching much attention even before it was aired, as many had high expectations. It had even been rank 1 in most searched topic online.

However, unlike the expectations that were raised up beforehand, the actual results were low, coming to a 3.8% view rate.

The comeback show also included honest confessions of what the members thought about dating and what their ideal guy types are, things that weren't shown before. A collection of their hit songs and Individual stages of the members were also shown.

Phto Credit: MBC

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