Attempting To Kiss Random Strangers In Viral [VIDEO] Gets Comedienne Internet Fame

New York comic, Farah Brook, knew that some people wouldn’t respond well when she attempted to kiss them on the streets of the big city, but that didn’t stop her.

Brook, who is the star of the viral video “Kiss Me NYC,” has been rewarded with Internet fame and the respect of many for what she did at Grand Central Terminal in order to land a film role.

“I am very surprised by how strong the response has been,” Brooke told the Daily News.

Although Brook’s video now has over 2 million views and over 3,000 likes, it didn’t really pick up when she had initially uploaded the clip on YouTube on March 20. However, when she shared the video on Facebook for April Fool’s, people reportedly started paying way more attention to it.

Brook reportedly came up with the idea in order to fulfill an audition request to pull any prank of her choice on camera.

“I wanted to do something positive that involved love,” Brook explained.

She added, “I was very nervous about it and imagined best case: people would laugh; worst case: I would get punched in the face.”

Not everyone has been a fan of Brook’s video.

“I believe this is called sexual harassment,” commented YouTube user poluiso.

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