KARA Nicole, Picture With Pet Mochacchino

Group KARA's Nicole revealed pictures of her having a good time with her pet Mochacchino.

Today, Nicole posted on her Twitter, "Our Mochacchino! Why won't you take a picture with me. You keep trying to take away Pinkchu from me... And you won't look at the camera... Because mine is fail, solo takes of Mocha. Cold that won't go away even after a whole week.... Everyone be careful! Winter isn't gone yet" along with a picture.

In the picture, Nicole is holding her pet Mochacchino in her arms, posing for the camera. She was kissing him or rubbing her cheeks against him.

Internet users who saw this commented, "Mocha is still cute," "So pretty," "Both Nicole and dogs are so cute," and "You are so cute."

Photo Credit: Nicole Twitter

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