'Diabolik Lovers' Season 2 Release Date Confirmed Alongside Japanese Voice Cast

Anime based on manga is nothing new, nor is anime based on light novels. Anime based on video games are rare, but given the success of the "Fate" series, not unheard of.

Still, some fans wonder how "Diabolik Lovers" ever came to be adapted into a narrative.

Nevertheless, the popular mobile game "Diabolik Lovers" is getting a second anime season. Season two entitled "Diabolik Lovers More, Blood," is now set for a Fall 2015 premiere on Sept. 23. In addition to the confirmation of the release date, the returning Japanese voice cast and animation crew was also announced.

As mentioned before, some anime fans are slightly confused as to how "Diabolik Lovers" became so popular. But otherwise, some fans expressed excitement for the returning season.

"Legit crying because Mukami cast. I'm looking forward to this," commented Meepsheeps in an ANN forum.

"Although the first season had some issues, I'll be watching for my babies Ruki and Azusa," said Puppy1843.

"Nice, looking forward to this a lot. Adored the first series despite not being their target audience at all, just watched it on a whim and did not regret it. Sexy vampires being vampires with an interesting plot and solid main girl. Long(ish) wait though," explained Eighteen Sky.

Anime News Network reports that the first season assistant director Risako Yoshida will replace the previous director Shinobu Tagashira. ZEXCS will still handle the animation, but the script supervisor will be Hiroko Kanasugi. Yuuko Yahiro will return as the character designer.

ANN also reports the following main voice cast members:

Rie Suegara as Yui Komori

Hikaru Midorikawa as Ayato Sakamaki

Yuuki Kaji as Kanato Sakamaki

Daisuke Hirakawa as Raito Sakamaki

Kousuke Toriumi as Shū Sakamaki

Katsuyuki Konishi as Reiji Sakamaki

Takashi Kondo as Subaru Sakamaki

My Anime List describes the series of "Diabolik Lovers" as follows:

"Yui Komori used to see dead people. But as troubling as past glimpses of spirits, poltergeists, and psychic phenomena may have been, they pale into insignificance compared to what she's about to discover once she's forced to transfer to a new school.

Because it turns out that her own history is very different from what she thought it was, and she has a very different kind of family waiting for her.

Now she'll be sharing her living space with six very attractive young men, though not a single one is human. And while her new dorm mates may be brothers, and their attraction to her involves her bloodline, "brotherly" is the last word to describe their intentions.

In moving from her father's church to becoming the object of six blood lusting young vampires' affections, Yui will undergo the most shocking, soul ripping and draining experience any teenage girl could imagine in her wildest fantasies... or most salacious nightmares."

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